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Thursday, March 4, 2010

Advisory Committee Member: Denise Cozart

from Denise

Preserve. Make good things last as long as possible. This is my inclination. I am a retired teacher spending time each day preserving things I value, like family, memories, clothes, shoes, furniture, car, etc. I also like to push limits, expanding and enhancing what's worthwhile. Nearly six years here at St. Leonard have given me a new lease on taking care of myself and encouraging others to preserve and improve health of body, mind and spirit. This is like our last big chance. The people, the place, the opportunities are exceptionally supportive and are a gift from a caring God.


  1. Hello, Denise. I don't know if you remember me. I did my student teaching under your supervision at Cincinnati Center for Developmental Disorders in 1975. The following year you became a supervisor for Cincinnati Public Schpols and I was then a first year teacher at CCDD. I am retired now but I kept the note you wrote to me after observing my classroom in a frame and with me through my entire career. When asked about it, I would tell them it was a great example of positive feedback while at the same time providing support for needed improvement.

    My husband and I retired to Union, KY to be back in the Cincinnati area 3 years ago.
    I hope this finds you well. I'd love to visit with you sometime. My email address is if you'd like to get in touch. I am also on Facebook. Thank you for being such a caring mentor and providing such an excellent example of compassionate teaching all those years ago. Sincerely, Gerry Sawrey

  2. Hello, Denise. I don't know if you remember me. I did my student teaching under your supervision at Cincinnati Center for Developmental Disorders in 1975. The following year you became a supervisor for Cincinnati Public Schpols and I was then a first year teacher at CCDD. I am retired now but I kept the note you wrote to me after observing my classroom in a frame and with me through my entire career. When asked about it, I would tell them it was a great example of positive feedback while at the same time providing support for needed improvement.

    My husband and I retired to Union, KY to be back in the Cincinnati area 3 years ago.
    I hope this finds you well. I'd love to visit with you sometime. My email address is if you'd like to get in touch. I am also on Facebook. Thank you for being such a caring mentor and providing such an excellent example of compassionate teaching all those years ago. Sincerely, Gerry Sawrey
