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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Team Franciscan Center: Journaling to Wellness

If we agree with Socrates that "the unexamined life is not worth living”, it behooves us to periodically take inventory of our lives. What is working for us? What isn’t? What and how do I really feel about my finances, my overall health, my creativity, etc?

Journaling is one of the most effective means for self-reflection and integration. Journaling allows us to organize our thoughts, and over time, see meaningful patterns that might not be apparent initially.

When it comes to health and wellness, this can be somewhat trickier simply because we are not usually taught to examine our choices in regards to function and performance. In fact, in most cases, the culture tells us to do the exact opposite. Notice many current advertisements for heartburn medications that imply that you can eat whatever you want and when your body sends you signs of discomfort because you have made a poor food choice, you can erase all of that discomfort by taking one simple, magical pill and go right back to eating the same toxic mess again!

This approach, however, while simple, rarely leads to lasting personal change and growth. Only by participating with the whole of ourselves, or as they say, “the good, the bad, and the ugly”, can we move towards higher levels of meaning and function.

Using the Vital Life 8 ecologies or dimensions of wellness as a template for wholeness, journaling can be made more poignant and effective. Debra Stewart has created wellness starting points for each of the 8 ecologies that can serve as the kindling to begin journaling and self- reflecting about our choices in these areas. Eventually, with a little effort and practice, we can build a raging fire of personal transformation and change as we participate with our bodies and with life itself more fully.

I recommend taking these wellness starting points and put them into a binder along with spiral notebook paper. Take a few minutes to engage yourself and answer the questions relating to the 8 ecosystems of wellness. On the notebook paper write down any thoughts or ideas about specific strategies or goals for greater well-being related to each of the 8 ecosystems. Perhaps most importantly, don’t forget to write about how you feel about how you feel. In other words, how do you feel about your current state of wellness. I encourage you to be honest about how you feel. If you are doing terrible right now, say that you’re doing terrible, but include an affirmative corrective statement like, “Even though I’m terrible at controlling my sweet tooth right now, I know that I am capable of tremendous change and growth, and that change can occur in an instant and I am completely open to that change, whenever it may come.”

This is actually a fun process, and like most things, the hardest part is getting started. If you need help I would love to talk with you and guide you through this process. You can make an appointment with me any time to go over our Vital Life starting points and journaling. I look forward to helping you on this journey. Live well!

Dr. Jack Harless,

Manager of The Franciscan Center

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