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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Team Franciscan Center: Hydration and Massage

My congratulations to all who participated in the St. Leonard 5k on Saturday, June 9th! Good times were had by all and what an exciting event! It was a beautiful day for running, walking, and socializing. In this month’s issue, I wanted to talk about the importance of hydration and how it relates to massage.

Water is the most important nutrient for your health. It’s no coincidence that it is the most abundant nutrient in the body. According to the USGS, up to 60% of the human body is water. The brain is composed of about 70%, lungs nearly 90%, lean muscle 75%, body fat 10%, and bone around 22%. Water provides several functions in the body, including: regulating body temperature, protecting and cushioning vital organs, aiding in digestion, lubricating joints, moisting air for breathing, and removing waste.

So, water is important for your body, but why is it important for massage? From the point of view of a therapist, when muscles and ligaments are properly hydrated they are easier to manipulate. In certain types of bodywork, such as lymphatic massage, accumulated materials get released into the bloodstream and need to be flushed out. Most importantly, you should drink water after a massage because massage itself can be dehydrating. By drinking water, you can rehydrate, decreasing the chance for pain and soreness following a massage.

Kristin Pitstick

Manager of the Franciscan Center Spa

Franciscan Center Day Spa 432-6540

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