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Sunday, October 3, 2010

Nutritional Wellness: Antioxidants


The food we eat provides nutrients and energy that help our bodies fight disease. Every moment of the day there are millions of processes going on inside us that help prevent disease. Unfortunately, along with all the good things going on inside our bodies, there are forces trying to prevent us from staying healthy. These are known as FREE RADICALS! What exactly are these crazy things? Free radicals come into our body from outside sources, such as tobacco smoke, pollution & sun exposure. They are molecules in our body that can be responsible for aging, tissue damage & some diseases. Free radicals are crazy little critters that roam around inside us looking for places to cause problems.

How can we prevent damage to our bodies from free radicals? Our bodies are wonderful machines. They have invented a way to HALT the pesky free radicals from damaging us. One marvelous defense mechanism is our friend "ANTIOXIDANT". What is an antioxidant, anti means "against" so an antioxidant is a cell that binds together with a "FREE RADICAL"!

Where do we find our friends the "ANTIOXIDANT"? Is there any place else but FOOD? Food is the best source for putting antioxidants in our bodies and they are found in fruits, vegetables, nuts poultry, seafood and grains. How do I get antioxidants into my system, you ask? Well, the best way is to "EAT A RAINBOW" every day. The darker the color or the brighter the color of the food the greater amount of antioxidants it contains. So, munch those carrots, crunch that apple & even savor some dark chocolate to see how easy it is to fight disease.

Submitted by Ann Partlow

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