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Monday, September 6, 2010


from Ann Partlow

Anyone that has worked in a foodservice environment has heard this phrase. It means that 16 ounces is the same the world around, however the United States is the only one on this system of measurement so a pound is a pound here but in the rest of the world it is measured in kilograms. Anyway, that being said how do we gain or lose a pound, or two or three????

There are 3500 calories in a pound. So, if your intake is 500 calories more than you need each day, a pound will be gained in a week. If you decrease your daily caloric intake by 500 calories or burn 500 calories a day through exercise you will lose a pound in a week.

Any excess calories we consume are stored in our bodies as fat. Consumption of an extra 100 calories each day will add up to 10 pounds in a year.

There are simple ways to cut calories from your diet. Here a just a few:

-Use smaller plates & bowls. We eat with our eyes and if the plate looks have empty we feel the need to fill it up. Using a smaller plate or bowl decreases our caloric intake & we don't feel cheated.

-Slow down the pace at which you eat. Savor the experience of eating. It takes our brain 20-30 minutes to tell our stomach we feel full. Enjoy the meal.

-DO NOT eat out of the bag, the box or in your car. Measure the portion size of whatever you are eating into another container, put the product away and go enjoy the food. Remember savor the experience of eating.

-Eat your calories! Don't drink them. Juices, sodas & alcohol all have an abundance of calories. Eat a piece of fruit, substitute flavored zero calorie water for soda & use alcohol in moderation.

So energy in, energy out is the key. Too much energy in will make our waistlines go out!!!!

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