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Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Team Franciscan Center Spa: Relaxation Massage for Restful Sleep

Kristin Pitstick

Sleep. We all need it; most of us get too little of it. Does that matter? Absolutely! Sleep is necessary for our basic physiological operations. It plays a unique role in neurological performance, endocrine balance, immune system functioning, and musculoskeletal growth and repair. Catching all of your Z’s will help to enhance memory performance and creative problem solving skills, boost athletic performance, decrease risk for basic illness, and help the body become more resilient to daily stress.
Now the nasty side: sleep deprivation. Even a single hour of missed sleep takes a toll on our systems. Cognitively speaking, sacrificing sleep decreases memory abilities, short-term and working.
It has been linked to depression and is known to exacerbate preexisting psychological illnesses. Still not worried? A single night of sleep loss increases systemic inflammation. Not to mention several studies link partial sleep deprivation/disruption and increased mortality risk. YUCK!
Our need for sleep varies by individual. Most of us fall under the 7-8 hour range. Some of us need 9-10. There are those crazy individuals that can get by on 6. FYI: although sleep patterns become more fragmented as we age, older adults still need the same average as everyone else.
There you have it! Sleep is vital for health. Having trouble sleeping? Stop by the Day Spa for a relaxation massage!
The Franciscan Center Day Spa offers several different types of massage. Please feel free to stop by the spa and take a look at our menu of services! We are happy to answer any questions that you might have. Or, call us at 432-6540

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