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Saturday, July 3, 2010

Cholesterol: What it is and how to lower yours!

from Ann Partlow

Dietary cholesterol is found in the foods we eat. Any food that does not originate from a plant will have cholesterol. Cholesterol is found in meats, fish & poultry. Vegetables & fruit have no cholesterol. The other cholesterol in our bodies is blood serum cholesterol. Blood serum cholesterol occurs naturally & makes different hormones in our body as well as aiding in digestion.

Cholesterol is packaged in your liver. In fact the liver processes everything we ingest. Think of your liver as a factory where your cholesterol is manufactured. Once the cholesterol has been created it is loaded onto two different trucks. These trucks carry good cholesterol: HDL or high density lipoprotein and LDL or low density lipoprotein. The LDL trucking line carries the cholesterol away and out to the body. The HDL line brings the cholesterol back to the warehouse where it gets repackaged and sent out when needed. The problem arises when too much low density lipoprotein gets dumped on the road, or into your arteries, this will cause a traffic jam or clogged arteries.

So, now that we know some facts about cholesterol, what can we do to keep our cholesterol in the normal range which is 180-200 for our overall cholesterol? Studies have proven that reducing our intake of certain fats will aid us in reaching this goal. Not all fats are bad, the fats that are beneficial are found in vegetable oils, the best oil is olive oil but other healthy oils include corn, sunflower or soybean. The fats that should be avoided are any fat derived from animal, butter, saturated fats & trans fats are fats that can cause problems with your cholesterol.

Lifestyle changes will help lower your cholesterol following these simple changes will help you get on the road to lower cholesterol.

Weight loss: losing a few as 5 to 10 pounds can make a difference in your cholesterol. Take a realistic look at what you eat, make gradually changes. Change from 2% milk to 1%, all the nutrients are the same but you will be drinking less fat.

Eat Heart Healthy: Chose healthy fats: Fats from vegetables are best. Eliminate trans fats which are found in cookies & crackers. Even though the label states trans fat free a serving can contain .05 grams of trans fat & be considered trans fat free by government standards.

Limit the cholesterol in your food: Try to consume less than 300 milligrams of cholesterol each day. Use lean cuts of meat, egg substitutes and skim milk.

Choose Whole Grains: Whole grains provide fiber in your diet; fiber is harder for your body to digest so it helps you feel fuller for a longer period of time. Look for the whole grain symbol on bread, rolls & pasta. Choose brown rice & use whole wheat flour.

Eat Fruits & Vegetables: Snack on seasonal fruits & vegetables. They are rich in fiber & can help lower your cholesterol. Make a dinner without meat, use beans as your protein.

Exercise is a good way to help lower your cholesterol. Always check with your doctor before you begin any exercise program. Walking is a great way to start. Park a little further from the door of your office or the mall. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Studies have shown that 10 minutes of exercise done three different times is as beneficial as doing 30 minutes at once. So, start slow and work up to a goal.

Quit smoking and drink in moderation. These are all ways to get on the road to lower cholesterol. You'll look better & feel vital!!!

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