As you know, we passed the recertification process for the Vital Life Community wellness program. We were again held to the highest standards for group dynamics and functional wellness. The teams that we have developed and the measurement systems, wellness tools and assessments, and the social walking program were all innovative and will eventually become the future in this market segment. This is because the Vital Life Community measures relationships and socialization.
We would like to thank this team, as none of this would have been possible without their leadership and support. Going forward, we must not forget that this program is about reducing health care cost, expanding the fun and function stage of life, and reducing the section of our life-course known as the frailty and failure stage of life. We will be advancing forward by increasing membership in our specialty teams and increasing the social walking program. In addition, and in collaboration with others, new models for relationship-delivered wellness programming will be explored. Best- on our next best year! -Debra
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