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Monday, April 26, 2010

Case Study 12

Vocational Wellness Fun and Function Model

(Anonymous) My wellness philosopy has been that one must have a "worthy" purpose in order to have the initiative and the desire to continue in any project, for without it, one cannot find contentment in oneself.

I am certain that part of my philosophy was developed from both parents. My mother, by her soft-spoken words, offers of kindness, and even temperment, were constant goals of mine. The lesson my father tried to instill was "Idleness creates problems." and "You can only draw from the soup what you put into it." The latter was what he hoped we would apply to everything in our lives (the simply translation being for those who wish to reach higher goals, more effort and hard work must be made).

I am certain I fall short in my own level of ultimate potential and don't wish to compare myself to others, as each of us have different health issues to consider. I do exercise approximately three times each week but not for as long a period as I would like to.

The only advice I would share is what I say to myself. "Don't ever get discouraged and keep trying." I do not have any words of wisdom that haven't already been written or spoken countless times. We each must find how, where and when we can make successful strides in achieving a meaningful and enjoyable personal wellness development.

"If you don't use it, you will lose it."

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