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Wednesday, May 1, 2013

May 2013 Employee Wellness Moments!

 Add muscle-strenghtening activities at least 2 days a week to your workout!Look for appliances and technology that have a "phantom load" or use stand-by power and turn them off when possible.
Give up 2 hrs. and 30 min of movie time to do 15 ten minutes workouts throughout the week!According to OSHA 110 decibels for 1 minute & 29 seconds is the recommended exposure time for noise at this level. Examples range from video arcades to leaf blowers!
Alternate workouts that involve the major muscles groups throughout the week. Stress at work causes illness and injury.  
The average person can burn up to 300 calories per hour just doing Tai Chi!Being challenged at work can energize and motivate us to learn new skills!
The average person can burn up to 300 calories per hour or more during gardening activities!Evaluate your waste production at home and at work and develop your personal plan to reduce waste and improve reuse.
If you are shy and tend to socialize little consider ways to safely use social media to begin to socialize.Identify and expand upon the things that give you peace and joy.
Reflect on your self-image and how you see yourself. If doing service projects or volunteering bring your comfort then set aside time for these activities.
Consider becoming a kind and a more patient listener.Praying, meditating, and singing with others increases your social and spiritual connections.
Try to focus  externally during social exchange to illicit a greater social response Believing in something greater can be life affirming.
Invite someone you like at work to a function or activity outside of work. Spiritual involvement has shown to decrease depression and debility.
Cooking Strategy No.1 Focus on fresh foods rather than processed foods!A sense of well-being at work has been known to decrease accident and injury (CDC)
Cooking Strategy No 2. Cook food to the proper serving temperature.Become a leader that promotes a culture of safety and wellness
Cooking Strategy No. 3. Know your ingredients and the appropriate substitutes.There is a positive relationship between disease prevention and work opportunity.
Cooking Strategy No. 4. Label food containers when opened with the current date!Specific unhealthy lifestyle choices and risky behaviors tend to decrease work opportunities. (CDC)
Cooking Strategy No. 5. Learn how to decrease the fat and salt in your recipes with healthier herbs and sauces. If your safety policies are looking more like safety shortcuts try having a departmental meeting to reestablish those best practices.
Learn more about your favorite hobby.Emotional well-being is the connection between physical health and holistic health (CDC).
Avoid alcohol and stimulants Emotional well-being can improve productivity and the ability to recognize opportunities.
A balanced diet supports optimal brain function. Socialization and a sense of connectedness can improve emotional well-being.
Spend time with challenging mental activities.Enhancing problem solving skills and critical thinking are additional ways to improve your emotional well-being.
Exercise that involves dance and movement is healthy for the brain.Identifying stress and emotional issues early and then seeking help is the best way to prevent further mental disability.

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