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Monday, April 1, 2013

April 2013 Employee Wellness Moments!

Have you scheduled 2 hours and 30 minutes every week for brisk exercise as recommended by the CDC? or 15 - 10 minute workout sessions? Explore how to handle medical waste safely in your home.
Playing with children in a non-sport manner can burn 150 calories an hour!According to the World Health Organization:  Of the total amount of waste generated by health-care activities, about 80% is general waste.
Does your workout routine include recovery and rest periods?If everyone purchased energy efficient televisions the energy savings would be comparable to removing 1.5 million cars from the road each year!
Set goals! Make it Fun! Keep a log of your workouts!Unwanted or disturbing noise or sounds can have a negative impact on your health!
Join a group exercise class for motivation and fun!If you leave your video game consoles on it could cost up to $100.00 per year in energy usage.
Increase your sense of belonging and purpose by being a friend. Spirituality can help be a source of strength during adversity!
Socialization builds inter-professional skills and competencies.Spiritual wellness can lower stress!
Socialization delays memory problems.Meditation can boost your concentration abilities and lower your fatigue levels!
Socialization is good for your brain: enhances communication and critical thinking skills!As the brain processes sensory experiences it looks for a higher meaning or power.
Open your contact or address book and make a plan to connect. People who seek a spiritual path tend to be happier!
Shopping Strategy No.1 Focus on fresh foods rather than processed foods!Participate in a workplace wellness program.
Shopping Strategy No 2. Don't linger in the snack aisles!Evaluate your communication style and find a way to improve this skill.
Shopping Strategy No. 3. Make a list with a budget!Build a support network at work!
Shopping Strategy No. 4. Read the food analysis for high calorie or salty foods!Use EAP services when your workday is just too much!
Shopping Strategy No. 5. Eat before you  go shopping!Learn everything you can about workplace bullying.
Practice weighing the pros and cons of public scenarios and forums.Avoid drugs and alcohol when trying to cope.
Practice good financial wellness.Take time out when you are angry.
Practice your creativity! Identify possible solutions for your stress.
Collaborate rather than dictate.Think before you speak.
Read something unusual that is outside of your normal interest.Exercise, eat well, and sleep restfully for better emotional health.

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