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Sunday, January 1, 2012

January 2012 Employee Wellness Moments!



Start logging your team’s casual walking

Consider carpooling

Design and share step-by-step benchmarks for your fitness goals

Check your winter safety supplies

Write down the purpose of each type of exercise program that you are attending

As a group review the CDC hand washing guide for long-term care

Make a list of what motivates you to workout and stay fit

Wash down common surfaces and community supply stations

Have a plan for missed workout sessions

Check your emergency contact numbers for changes



Have a re-gifting party for charity of unwanted gifts that you received this or other holiday seasons

As a team determine what part of your job function contributes to the overall spiritual wellness of your organization

Innovation skyrockets with great teams! Start 2012 with ways that your team can become more trusting and supportive.

As a team identify employee funds or service projects in which you can contribute your time or loose change

Start an information preservation email system for employees who cannot attend lunch and learn programs to reduce miscommunication and improve social interaction

As a team expand your consciousness and education concerning the organizational core values (i.e. what is reverence, stewardship, and service, and what or who determines the boundaries of each)

Have a job intersection meeting to view overlapping and interlocking processes to build awareness and team trust

Find time to share one moment each day that brought you peace and happiness with your team

Have regular resilience celebrations to go over recent triumphs over setbacks

Make it a point to support a team member who has had a rough work week.



Have a healthy Bento box lunch contest

Review incidents from 2011 and make sure processes are in place to avoid repeated mishaps

Form a social soup club: exchange recipes or bring in samples

Look at all new job assignments and make sure that all safety equipment is in place

Together, highlight how your work environment positively influences you nutritional choices

Review all skill sets requirements and make sure that staff has an opportunity to demonstrate their abilities for daily tasks

Track how many days a month that your department poses a ban on candy and cookies

Together examine one process a month and determine if it can be made more efficient or safe

Make a chart of calories normally expended by certain job classifications

Check the status of your Vital Life Wellness programming and determine what needs updating or changed to reflect this year’s departmental culture



As a team look back at the things that you learned in 2011

Walking is a good way to relieve stress. Walk as a team or as individuals and share the success of your accumulated miles

Keep Sudoku and minute puzzles available for office breaks

As a team learn how to manage success instead of stressing over maintaining impossible expectations

Provide a college homework corner where students can share difficult problems with others

Write down gratitude moments and post in office areas or gathering spots

Provide a Quest-a-Step box where staff can question processes and/or offer valid solutions

Celebrate work anniversaries together

Build an idea bar for group collaboration and research

Take mini-vacation moments by sharing family pictures or past vacations

The employee wellness ideas listed above are low cost/no cost activities that you and your employees can mix or match with previously submitted wellness ideas. These ideas can be used to create wellness moments that focus on the eight dimensions of wellness to enhance your Vital Life Community!

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