Sister Kateri Theriault
Mission Integration
Zeal is an obscure virtue during the season of Lent. We aim often for the virtues of self-denial, humility, fortitude, and others that seem to lend themselves to our desire for repentance and movement toward the new life of the Resurrection. With that repentance, however, is an opportunity to look at our life in relationship with God and make some real and positive change. That is where zeal can help. Zeal is the quality of eagerness and ardent desire in pursuing something. In Christian language, zeal is love in action. Let us continue this Lenten season with zeal, allowing love to impel us to look realistically, without judgment, at our life and make choices that more fully reflect Christ's life within us.
TODAY'S READINGS: Jonah 3:1-10; Luke 11: 29-32 (226)
"However, take care and be earnestly on your guard not to forget the things which your own eyes have seen."
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